“Complicit,” a documentary film by Robert M. Krakow

“Human Rights and Refugee Policies: The Voyage of the SS St. Louis”

Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019 | 7 p.m.
Ahmanson Auditorium, University Hall
Loyola Marymount University

A candle lighting ceremony in remembrance of the Night of Broken Glass.
Screening of the documentary film, “Complicit,” along with its corresponding poster exhibit.
Discussion and Q & A with Robert M. Krakow, creator and producer of “Complicit,” and Thomas Jacobson, surviving passenger of the SS St. Louis.
A student-curated exhibition, in collaboration with the David Labkovski Project, showcasing Holocaust art and information.
Kosher reception to follow.

The 2019 Kristallnacht Commemoration is generously cosponsored by Loyola Law School, the CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice, the History Department, and the Theological Studies Department at Loyola Marymount University.